The Proud Show, based out of UK, is a recurring show hosted by Stephen and DJ. Stephen Ireland is the founder and Director of Diversity and Inclusion and Pride in Surrey. His co-host, DJ, is a Pride Hub Assistant.
The show, which has become a listener favorite, features everything from showtunes to global news, music to celebrity gossip. An act of passion, both Pride in Surrey and the show are non-profits with a mission to, celebrate, educate and connect the LGBTQ+ community and allies across Surrey and the surrounding counties.
We recently spoke with Stephen to learn more about the show. Read on to learn more.
Follow The Proud Show ( or ‘TheProudShow’ in the app) to catch an upcoming episode.
What's the thinking behind the Proud Show?
Our values are to Celebrate, Educate and Connect the LGBTQ+ community and its allies; recognizing that intersectionality exists and that the whole community should stand together - supporting one another and pushing forward for true equity, diversity, and inclusion worldwide.
During what is a challenging time for some parts of our Community, we hope that The Proud Show provides some reassurance to anyone who may feel alone that they are valid, they are loved and, no matter how difficult things may seem - they should stay PROUD!
What should listeners expect to hear during The Proud Show?
The show currently features showbiz news and hot gossip, LGBTQ+ news updates from around the globe, educational pieces such as dictionary corner where we talk about the A to Z of words associated to our community along with the odd moment of love and laughter between us as presenters and our guests.
The show plays a wide range of music, from up-coming LGBTQ+ talent to mainstream icons. We are always looking to feature the next best thing… Who wouldn’t be?
Who are we listening to when we tune in?
The Proud Show is presented by me, Stephen A Ireland, and my partner DJ. The show captures our views along with the facts, quashing the rumor mill head-on and making sure anyone listening, comes away feeling great.
We call in the allies and don’t call out the haters! Why give the hate a platform? Why not shine a light on all the things that are, and can be, positive.
Anything else you want listeners to know?
Tune in and, whether you are LGBTQ+ or an ally, stay PROUD!